
Showing posts from June, 2018

डेस्कटॉप पर एक साथ यूं चलाएं कई वॉट्सऐप अकाउंट

फेसबुक के मालिकाना वाले पॉप्युलर मेसेजिंग ऐप वॉट्सऐप को दुनियाभर में करीब 1.5 बिलियन लोग इस्तेमाल करते हैं। कंपनी के मुताबिक, ऐप के जरिए लगभग हर दिन 60 मिलियन मेसेज हर रोज भेजे जाते हैं। सोशल नेटवर्किंग दिग्गज फेसबुक ने 2014 में वॉट्सऐप का अधिग्रहण किया था। कंपनी ने ज्यादा रेवेन्यू और यूज़र बेस के लइए वॉट्सऐप वेब वर्ज़न पेश किया था। यानू यूजर्स वॉट्सऐप वेब के जरिए अपने वॉट्सऐप अकाउंट को एक पीसी पर इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

15000 में चाहिए फोन, ये 10 हैं बेस्ट ऑप्शन

क्या आप 15000 रुपये तक की रेंज का नया फोन लेने की सोच रहे हैं? अगर ऐसा है तो यहां आपको सभी बेस्ट ऑप्शन्स के बारे में बताया जाएगा। इन टॉप 10 में से किसी भी एक को आप चुन सकते हैं। देखिए- from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

OnePlus 6 रेड कलर वेरियंट 2 जुलाई को हो सकता है लॉन्च

वनप्लस 6 स्मार्टफोन को इसी साल मई में ग्लोबली लॉन्च किया गया था। फोन को मिरर ब्लैक और मिडनाइट ब्लैक कलर वेरियंट के अलावा, मार्वल ऐवेंजर्स लिमिटेड एडिशन वेरियंट में पेश किया गया था। लेकिन, ऐसा लगता है कि चीनी फोन निर्माता 2 जुलाई को फोन का एक और कलर वेरियंट लॉन्च कर सकती है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Google Doodle: गॉटफ्रीड विल्हम लाइबनीज को 372वें जन्मदिन पर किया सलाम

आज 1 जुलाई को महान जर्मन गणितज्ञ और दार्शनिक गॉटफ्रीड विल्हम लाइबनीज का जन्म हुआ था और इस मौके पर गूगल ने डूडल बनाकर उनको सलाम किया है। जानिए, उनके बारे में? from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Jio's New Offer Gives Users Benefits Worth Up to Rs. 4,900

Jio Oppo Monsoon offer is being extended to both new and existing Jio SIM users, specially those on Jio 198 or Jio 299 recharge. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Tinder Now Encrypts Photos Shared on App

Tinder's announcement was made via a letter addressed to Senator Ron Wyden who had written to Tinder back in February requesting the company to encrypt photos. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Uber Proposes Self-Regulation to Address West Bengal Government Concerns

Uber on Saturday proposed measures to address concerns expressed by the West Bengal government over its fare policy. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Microsoft Working on Dual-Display Surface Device for 2018 Release: Report

Details of Microsoft's secret Surface device codenamed Andromeda that it reportedly plans to release in 2018, have been spotted in a leaked internal document. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Vivo Nex Pop-Up Camera Bug Makes It Elevate When Not Required: Report

A video suggests that the pop-up selfie camera on the Vivo Nex comes up while opening a chat window on Telegram, when no camera function is prompted. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

40,000 रुपये तक के बजट में खरीद सकते हैं ये लैपटॉप्स

अगर आप 40,000 रुपये तक का लैपटॉप खरीदने की सोच रहे हैं तो आगे की स्लाइड्स में देखें इस बजट के बेस्ट लैपटॉप्स... from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Mobiistar Is Here to Change What You Expect From a Budget Smartphone

The company's goal is to help increase mobile phone adoption by offering affordable smartphones with exceptional user experience. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Galaxy On6 स्मार्टफोन 2 जुलाई को उठेगा पर्दा

दक्षिण कोरियाई टेक कंपनी सैमसंग ने भारत में अपना नया गैलेक्सी ऑन-सीरीज़ स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च करने की पुष्टि कर दी है। नए सैमसंग गैलेक्सी ऑन6 स्मार्टफोन को भारत में 2 जुलाई को लॉन्च किया जाएगा। इस स्मार्टफोन को एक्सक्लूसिव तौर पर ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग वेबसाइट फ्लिपकार्ट पर उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Xiaomi Mi A1 Now Receiving Android 8.1 Oreo Update: What You Should Know

Users are advised to take a backup of SMS history on their Xiaomi Mi A1 before updating. File size of the Android 8.1 Oreo update is said to be around 1.2GB. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

सोशल मीडिया पर ये 5 आदतें होती हैं खतरनाक

शुरुआत में कम्युनिकेशन और नेटवर्किंग के लिए शुरू हुआ यह 'प्लैटफॉर्म' अब इंटरनेट पर बहुत सारे लोगों के लिए लाइफलाइन की तरह है। जी हां, हम बात कर रहे हैं सोशल मीडिया की, जो लोगों से जुड़ने का एक मजेदार और शानदार तरीका है। हालांकि, कई बार लोकप्रिय, वायरल होने और ध्यान खींचने के लिए लोग गलत तरीके अपनाते हैं। कई बार यूज़र बिना जाने ही अपनी लोकेशन शेयर कर देते हैं, जिससे उनकी निजी जानकारी का खुलासा हो जाता है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

फिंगरप्रिंट स्कैनर वाले टॉप 10 स्मार्टफोन्स

आजकल लगभग सभी स्मार्टफोन्स में फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर का होना जरूरी फीचर हो गया है। दरअसल जब आपका स्मार्टफोन किसी अजनबी के हाथ में होता है तो वह इस फीचर की मदद से सुरक्षित रहता है। ऐसे में अगर आप भी फिंगरप्रिंग सेंसर वाला स्मार्टफोन खरीदने की सोच रहे हैं और आपका बजट 10,000 से लेकर 25,000 रुपये तक का है, तो आगे की स्लाइड्स में दिए गए स्मार्टफोन्स आपके लिए हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Reliance Industries Buys US-Based Telecom Solutions Provider Radisys

According to IANS sources, RIL picked up a 100 percent stake in Radisys for $74 million (around Rs. 506 crores). from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

OnePlus 6 Red Colour Variant Launch Teased for July 2

The development was teased by OnePlus itself and could point towards the launch of an OnePlus 6 Lava Red variant. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill US FCC Chairman's Family

"I will find your children and I will kill them," Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk wrote in one of the emails, according to court documents. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Moto E5 Plus आ रहा है भारत, इसमें है 5000 एमएएच बैटरी

Motorola ने हाल ही में मोटो ई5 का टीज़र जारी किया था। अब कंपनी ने ट्विटर पर Moto E5 Plus के भारत पहुंचने की पुष्टि कर दी है। लेनोवो के मालिकाना हक वाली मोटोरोला ने अपने आधिकारिक ट्विटर हैंडल पर एक विडियो पोस्ट किया है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Moto E5 Plus India Launch Set for July, Moto E5 May Arrive at Later Date

Gadgets 360 has learnt that only the Moto E5 Plus will be coming to India in July, and the Moto E5 might arrive at a later date. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Jio Effect:एयरटेल के 649 रुपये वाले पैक में 80 फीसदी ज्यादा डेटा

खबर है कि एयरटेल ने 649 रुपये की कीमत वाले पोस्टपेड प्लान को अपग्रेड कर दिया है। एयरटेल पोस्टपेड ग्राहकों को अब 649 रुपये वाले पैक में 80 फीसदी ज्यादा डेटा मिलेगा। टेलिकॉम कंपनी ने कुछ समय तक बंद करने के बाद अप्रैल में इस प्लान को वापस शुरू किया था। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Whatsapp 'Send Messages' Group Controls Rolling Out on Android, iPhone

The new 'Send Messages' tab is available on WhatsApp version 2.18.70 on iPhone and version 2.18.201 on Android (stable). from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

IGTV: Can Instagram's New App Help It Stream Past YouTube?

What would you do if YouTube disappeared today? Hypothetically, say YouTube fell off right now, where would you be? from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Tesla Lagging on Model 3 Production, Workers Say

Tesla declined to comment on its production numbers or on employee reports of problems. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Portuguese Tech Firm Uncorks a Smartphone Made Using Cork

The Ikimobile phone is one of the first to use materials other than plastic, metal, and glass and represents a boost for the country's technology sector. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Apple Maps to Be Rebuilt 'From Ground Up', but Will Still Tap TomTom

Apple said it is completely rebuilding its Maps app - the most frequently used app on its iPhones. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro को मिल रहा है ऐंड्रॉयड ओरियो अपडेट: रिपोर्ट

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro को इसी साल फरवरी में लॉन्च किया गया था। दमदार स्पेसिफिकेशंस, बेहतरीन डिज़ाइन, ड्यूल कैमरे और दूसरे फीचर्स के साथ आने वाले इस फोन की ग्राहकों के बीच भारी मांग रही है। लेकिन रेडमी नोट 5 प्रो की एक खामी थी कि यह ऐंड्रॉयड 7.1.2 नूगा आधारित मीयूआई स्किन के साथ आता है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Jio-Oppo मॉनसून ऑफर: मिलेगा 4,900 रुपये तक का फायदा

​​Reliance Jio ने गुरुवार को स्मार्टफोन निर्माता कंपनी ओप्पो के साथ मिलकर ग्राहकों के लिए नया ऑफर लॉन्च किया है। इस ऑफर का नाम मॉनसून ऑफर रखा गया है। इस ऑफर के तहत ओप्पो स्मार्टफोन खरीदने पर यूजर को 3.2 टीबी डेटा और 4,900 रुपये तक का लाभ मिलेगा। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Vivo V9 के नए वेरियंट में है 6 जीबी रैम, जानें सारे स्पेसिफिकेशंस

वीवो ने अपने वी9 स्मार्टफोन का नया 6 जीबी रैम वेरियंट लॉन्च कर दिया है। बता दें कि थाइलैंड और फिलीपींस में वीवो वी9 को लॉन्च के समय 4 जीबी रैम वेरियंट में लॉन्च किया गया है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Netflix's Sacred Games Is Your Quintessential Anurag Kashyap Thriller

Sacred Games is Anurag Kashyap and Vikramaditya Motwane's first venture for Netflix. It stars Saif Ali Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, and Radhika Apte. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

You Will Need at Least 100GB Free Space to Play Shenmue 3 on a PC

Shenmue 3 PC specifications shed light on what you need to play the game. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Is Simplifying Use by Businesses the Key for WhatsApp Payments in India?

Payments platform Razorpay has enabled a smoother WhatsApp Payments integration, but can the service disrupt the payments sector in India? from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

कैसे यूज करें फेसबुक लाइव

फेसबुक सबसे ज्यादा लोकप्रिय सोशल मीडिया नेटवर्किंग प्लेटफॉर्म में से एक है। इसके माध्यम से लोग अपने फोटो, विडियो और कंटेट शेयर करते हैं। अप्रैल 2016 में लॉन्च हुआ फेसबुक लाइव का ऑप्शन इन दिनों बहुत लोकप्रिय है। इसका यूज मोबाइल ऐप और वेब वर्जन दोनों से किया जा सकता है। मगर सुविधा की वजह से ज्यादातर लोग इसे मोबाइल ऐप के माध्यम से ही यूज करते हैं। आइये आपको बताते हैं कि फेसबुक लाइव कैसे यूज करें। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Oppo A5 Spotted in Leaked Images With Dual Cameras, Display Notch

The leaked images of Oppo A5 showcase a 6.2-inch display with 19:9 aspect ratio. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

End of the Line for ASIMO, Honda's Famed Robot?

ASIMO played football with Barack Obama in 2014, danced for Angela Merkel in 2015, and took a selfie with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull the same year. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Airtel Lowers Data Benefits on Rs. 149, Rs. 399 Packs

Some subscribers are even reportedly receiving the reduced validity of 70 days with the Rs. 399 pack. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Razer Launches New Gaming Keyboards With Opto-Mechanical Switches

Razer Huntsman comes with a price tag of $149.99 (approximately Rs. 10,300), while the Huntsman Elite is priced at $199.99 (roughly Rs. 13,700). from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

LG Names Fourth-Gen Heir Koo Kwang-Mo as New CEO

Koo Kwang-mo, who was adopted by the late business tycoon so as to fulfil the family's tradition of handing over power to the chairman's eldest son, effectively became the fourth-generation leader of... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

LG Display to Become Second Supplier for iPhone 2018 OLED Panels: Report

Apple might soon bring in South Korean manufacturer LG Display to join Samsung in becoming the second supplier of OLED panels for the iPhone models coming in 2018. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Now Receiving Oreo-Based MIUI 9.5 Update: Report

Xiaomi has started rolling out the MIUI update based on Android Oreo. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

California Lawmakers Approve Data-Privacy Bill Opposed by Silicon Valley

It's similar to data privacy regulation in the European Union, which also aims to give consumers control over use of their data. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Is Your Smart Fridge Secretly Mining Bitcoin for Criminals?

As the popularity of virtual currencies has grown, hackers are focusing on a new type of heist. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

New Microsoft Office Features Previewed for Android and iOS

These features are available for Office Insiders in a preview of the July 2018 update, which will roll out to all users sometime next month. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Bird CEO Explains Why His Scooter Startup Needed $300 Million

Altogether, Bird has raised $418 million since it was founded in April 2017. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

China's Penetration of Silicon Valley Creates Risks for Startups

More than 20 Silicon Valley venture capital firms have close ties to a Chinese government fund or state-owned entity. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

YouTube Signs Jordan Peele for Sci-Fi Comedy Weird City

YouTube has inked a deal with Jordan Peele (Get Out) for a comedic sci-fi anthology series called Weird City that will air on YouTube Premium in 2019. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Oppo O-Free Wireless Bluetooth Headset With Translation Support Launched

The Oppo O-Free Wireless Bluetooth Headset price in China has been set at CNY 699 (approximately Rs. 7,200). from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Vivo V9 6GB RAM Variant With Snapdragon 660 SoC Launched

The new 6GB RAM variant of the Vivo V9 also comes with a different camera configuration. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Hotstar's New UI Looks a Lot Like Netflix

The updated Hotstar interface is presently available for viewers using Amazon Fire TV Stick. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Moto E5, Moto E5 Plus May Launch in India Soon, Teasers Indicate

Motorola India has been posting battery-related video teasers on its official Twitter account that point towards an impending Moto E5 India launch. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Facebook Patents Tech That Records Device Audio to Study Ad Impressions

A patent application showcases how Facebook might remotely turn on your phone's microphone to start recording. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

SpaceX Launches 'Flying Brain' AI Robot for ISS Crew

About 10 minutes into the flight, SpaceX confirmed that the Dragon has successfully deployed from the rocket's second stage and was in a "good orbit." from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Noise Play 2 Action Camera Review

Noise Play 2 is a budget action camera which features a touchscreen, RAW support, and 4K video recording. How does it perform? Read our review to find out. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Pokemon Go Isn't Dead, It Apparently Made $104 Million in May

Pokemon Go is far from dead. The game generated $104 million in revenue in May, which is up 174 percent year-over-year. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

HAL-Like Robot to Help Astronaut in Space Odyssey

The Crew Interactive Mobile Companion, or CIMON, is an English-speaking droid roughly the size of a basketball. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

सैमसंग के टॉप 10 स्मार्टफोन्स

स्मार्टफोन्स ब्रैंड में सैमसंग यूजर्स की टॉप चॉइस में रहता है। इस कंपनी के स्मार्टफोन्स हर प्राइस रेंज में उपलब्ध हैं। अगर आप भी सैमसंग स्मार्टफोन खरीदने का प्लान बना रहे हैं, तो हम आपको बता रहे हैं टॉप 10 सैमसंग स्मार्टफोन्स के बारे में। इस लिस्ट की मदद से अपने बजट के अनुसार आप अपने लिए बेहतर सैमसंग स्मार्टफोन सिलेक्ट कर सकते हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Whatsapp का नया फीचर, मेसेज को कंट्रोल कर सकेंगे ग्रुप ऐडमिन

पॉप्युलर मेसेजिंग ऐप वॉट्सऐप में लगातार नए फीचर्स आ रहे हैं। हाल में इसमें एक और नया फीचर जोड़ा गया है। नए फीचर में ग्रुप ऐडमिन के कंट्रोल में इजाफा किया गया है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

LinkedIn QR Code Lets You Connect With Professionals Faster

QR code is available now on the LinkedIn Android and iOS apps, and can be used as a swift networking tool to view profiles and connect with professionals. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Fake Fortnite Android Apps Scamming Users via YouTube: McAfee

Searching for how to install Fortnite on Android or download Fortnite for Android on YouTube or Google throws up a host of videos that claim to show how Fortnite can be installed on Android. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

लीक हुईं Vivo Z1i की इमेज, जानें कीमत और स्पेसिफिकेशंस

पिछले महीने चीन की मोबाइल कंपनी वीवो ने अपनी Z सीरीज का पहला स्मार्टफोन स्मार्टफोन वीवो Z1 लॉन्च किया था। अब कंपनी Z सीरीज का अपना दूसरा स्मार्टफोन अगले महीने लॉन्च करने की तैयारी कर रही है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

The Rock Edition Headphones With Rugged Design, Workout Features Launched

The over-the-ear wireless headphones are available for purchase in the US with a price tag of $250 (approximately Rs. 17,100). from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Instagram Users Can Now Add Soundtracks to Their Stories

A new music icon will now be seen under the record button in Stories, that would let users search for a specific song, browse by mood, genre, or what is popular. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

This 'Mobile Airbag' Design Can Protect Your Phone From Falls

The 'Mobile Airbag' case can detect when the phone is falling and release springs to make the handset bounce when it hits the ground. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

WhatsApp Group Admins Can Now Decide Who Sends Messages

Rolling out on WhatsApp beta version 2.18.201 for Android and version 2.18.70 on iPhone, the capabilities allow WhatsApp group admins to control participants' ability to send messages in the group. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Elon Musk's OpenAI Bots to Play Pro Dota 2 Team at The International

OpenAI will get its chance to shine at the International, one of the world's most established video game tournaments. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Halo TV Series Announced by Showtime

Halo is getting a TV series adaptation at Showtime, the CBS-owned premium cable network has announced after spending four years in development. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

The Weekend Chill: The Crew 2, GLOW, Westworld, and More

An open world racing game from Ubisoft, Netflix's women's wrestling promotion show-within-a-show returns, a season finale for HBO's androids vs humans sci-fi drama, and other things to enjoy this... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

iPhone का11वां बर्थडे, ये फैक्ट्स जानते हैं आप?

आज से 11 साल पहले अमेरिका में ऐपल ने पहला iPhone लॉन्च किया था। तब से अब तक iPhone ने बहुत तरक्की की है और आज भी यह दुनिया के सबसे पॉप्युलर स्मार्टफोन्स में से एक है। जानें, iPhoen के बारे में कुछ अनजाने फैक्ट्स। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Specifications, Key Features Detailed in New Leak

Compared to the Galaxy Note 8, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is said to not many differences. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Microsoft Catching Up to Amazon in Security Clearances for Cloud

"Based on the security accreditation process alone there are really only two competitors," Amazon and Microsoft, said a federal market analyst. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Moto Schedules August 2 Launch, Moto Z3, Motorola One Power Expected

Going by the looks of it, we could expect Moto's next flagship - the Moto Z3 - to make an appearance alongside the previously rumoured Motorola One Power as well as a Motorola One. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Asphalt 9 for Android and iOS Could Be the Best Mobile Racing Game Yet

Asphalt 9: Legends for Android and iOS doesn't have a release date yet, but here's what you can expect when the game is finally out. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Best Smartphones Under Rs. 7,000

Best phones under 7000 in India in July 2018 include Xiaomi Redmi 5A, 10.or D, and InFocus Vision 3. Here are the top picks for best mobiles under 7000. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Appoints GE's Karan Bhatia as New Global Head of Policy

Google wants Bhatia to craft the search giant's public policy strategy on a wide range of issues including artificial intelligence, job creation, and critical infrastructure. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Amazon Launches New Fire HD 10 Kids Edition Tablet, Show Mode Dock

The new Show Mode Charging Dock automatically puts your Fire tablet into Show Mode for an Alexa experience. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Pokemon Go Creator Plans to Sell the Tech Behind Its Games

Niantic gave details on Thursday of its "Real World Platform" that it hopes to allow other gaming companies to use one day. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

ऐसे सुधारें अपनी LED TV की पिक्चर क्वॉलिटी

LED TV की कीमतों में कमी के बाद अब अधिकतर घरों में इसने अपनी जगह बना ली है। अलग-अलग ब्रैंड्स की फुल एचडी से लेकर स्मार्ट एलईडी टीवी तक मार्केट में उपलब्ध हैं। इनकी कीमत भी 10,000 रुपये से शुरू है। जब एलईडी टीवी की पिक्चर क्वॉलिटी की बात आती है, तो इसके डिस्प्ले पैनल की क्वॉलिटी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण होती है। हालांकि, पैनल की क्वॉलिटी टीवी के ब्रैंड और कीमत पर निर्भर करती है। वहीं, बहुत कम यूजर्स ऐसे होंगे, जो अपनी जरूरत के मुताबिक टीवी की पिक्चर क्वॉलिटी इंप्रूव करने की कोशिश करते हैं। यहां हम आपको कुछ ऐसे ट्रिक्स बता रहे हैं, जिनसे आप अपनी एलईडी टीवी की पिक्चर क्वॉलिटी को बेहतर बना सकते हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

अगले साल 5G स्मार्टफोन ला सकता है OnePlus

प्रीमियम स्मार्टफोन बनाने वाली कंपनी वनप्लस साल 2019 तक 5G स्मार्टफोन लाने का प्लान बना रही है। इसके अलावा ज्यादा से ज्यादा कस्टमर्स तक पहुंच बनाने के लिए कंपनी अमेरिका में टेलिकॉम सेवा देने वाली कंपनियों के साथ भी काम कर रही है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Twitter's New Product Head Is Periscope CEO Kayvon Beykpour

Twitter said Ed Ho was stepping down from the role for personal reasons and that he would continue as an adviser in a part-time capacity. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

OnePlus Promises of 3 Years Software Updates, 5G Phone Coming in 2019

CEO Pete Lau confirms that the company is planning to release a 5G capable smartphone next year, and that it is looking to tie up with carriers for release in the US market. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Netflix Orders Salman Rushdie Novel Midnight's Children to Series

Netflix has ordered a new original series based on Salman Rushdie's 1981 novel Midnight's Children, which deals with India's transition from British colonialism to independence. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro की फ्लैश सेल आज, जानें डीटेल्स

चाइनीज स्मार्टफोन मेकर कंपनी शाओमी के पॉप्युलर फोन Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro की आज 29 जून 2018 को दोपहर 12 बजे से फ्लैश सेल होगी। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Flipkart Teases Samsung Smartphone Launch on July 2, Galaxy On6 Expected

The launch will take place at 12:30pm IST on July 2. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Further Details Emerge About Google's Foray Into Video Games

A new report has further detailed Google's plans to get into video games, one that involves a streaming service and hardware. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Jio Oppo Monsoon Offer Gives User 'Up to Rs. 4,900' in Benefits

Jio Oppo Monsoon offer entitles users to up to 3.2TB 4G data and benefits worth up to Rs. 4,900 when buying a new Oppo 4G smartphone in the country, except the Realme 1. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Airtel Rs. 649 Plan Now Offers 80 Percent More Data to Take on Jio

Under Airtel's revamped Rs. 649 plan, apart from the 90GB data per month, the offer includes unlimited voice calls, and more. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

टेक्नॉलजी के हथियार से ट्रोल्स का मुकाबला करेगा Twitter

ट्विटर ने एक ब्लॉग पोस्ट में बताया है कि वह अपने प्लैटफॉर्म पर स्पैम, ट्रोल्स और हेट स्पीच से मुकाबले के लिए नई पहल करने जा रहा है। ट्विटर ने बताया कि उसे हर दिन 99 लाख गाली-गलौज वाले अकाउंट मिलते हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Twitter, Facebook Launch Tools to Track Advertising

Google has vowed to launch a similar transparency centre for political ads on its services this summer. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Amazon to Buy PillPack in Potentially Disruptive Drug Retail Push

PillPack supplies pre-sorted prescription drugs and other services to people who take multiple medications. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Netflix and Matt Groening's Disenchantment Gets First Trailer

Netflix has released the first teaser trailer for Disenchantment, the upcoming animated series from The Simpsons creator Matt Groening. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Overwatch's Newest Hero Is a Hamster In a Mech Named Hammond

Overwatch's newest hero is Hammond, a hamster in a rolling mech. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Best Smartphones Under Rs. 30,000

Best phones under 30000 - here are the best smartphones you can buy for under Rs. 30,000 in India right now, July 2018. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Best Smartphones Under Rs. 20,000

Best phones under 20000 in India as of July 2018 - the best mobiles for you under Rs. 20,000. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Netflix's Sacred Games Is Your Quintessential Anurag Kashyap Thriller

Sacred Games is Anurag Kashyap and Vikramaditya Motwane's first venture for Netflix. It stars Saif Ali Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, and Radhika Apte. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Best Smartphones Under Rs. 15,000

Best phones under 15000 list is dominated by Xiaomi, helping the company establish itself as the number one smartphone brand in the country. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Best Smartphones Under Rs. 10,000

Best phones under Rs. 10,000 in India in July 2018 include Redmi Note 5, Redmi 5, Realme 1 by Oppo, and other offerings by Lenovo and Motorola. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google's Diane Greene Says Microsoft Beat Search Giant to Buy GitHub

Microsoft agreed to pay $7.5 billion for GitHub earlier in June, but it wasn't the only interested party. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

In-Car Technology Complicates Deadly Issue of Distracted Driving: AAA

Apple's CarPlay and Google's Android Auto were found to shave seconds from the time a driver was distracted compared to the "infotainment" the car came with. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Apple Set to Bring TV, Music, and News Subscription Bundle: Report

The new development will begin with a digital news subscription service that will be followed by in-house video content and Apple Music integration. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Galaxy S10+ Rumoured to Feature a 6.44-Inch Display

The rumoured display size is the largest across all Galaxy models, including the Galaxy Note-Series. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Ford, Baidu Join Forces to Develop Smarter Cars in China

Ford has signed a letter of intent with China's Internet search company Baidu to develop artificial intelligence and smart connectivity in cars. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

BSNL Postpaid Plans Revised to Offer Unlimited Data, Rivalling Jio

The data offerings will remain the same, but once the user has perished all of its FUP, it will then receive data at a speed of 40Kbps. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Chipmaker Aims to Help Free Amazon's Alexa From the Power Cord

DSP Group said it has partnered with Amazon to offer a standardised chip that gadget makers can use to embed Alexa into their own device. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

YouTube Picture-in-Picture Rolling Out for Non-Paying Android Users in US

Now that YouTube PiP mode is rolling out for US users, it might just be a matter of time before international subscribers also get to try it out. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

After Prepaid, Is the Jio Effect Spreading to Postpaid?

Reliance Jio's 199 plan and Vodafone's 299 plan hint at a postpaid rate crash in India. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

JVC Boombox XS-XN15 Bluetooth Speaker Launched in India at Rs. 4,999

The JVC Boombox XS-XN15 Bluetooth speaker is already available with leading stores such as Flipkart, Croma etc, along with several e-commerce portals. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Sony Mobile Rumoured to Exit Middle East, Turkey, and Africa Markets

Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium is reported to launch in the US on July 30 as the Japanese company looks to pull out its mobile division from the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

₹20,000 से कम कीमत के 10 शानदार स्मार्टफोन्स

20,000 रुपये की रेंज में स्मार्टफोन का चयन करना काफी मुश्किल होता है, क्योंकि इस रेंज में अलग-अलग ब्रैंड्स के कई स्मार्टफोन्स मार्केट में उपलब्ध हैं। अगर आप भी इस रेंज में स्मार्टफोन खरीदना चाह रहे हैं, तो हमारे बताए ये ऑप्शन इसमें आपकी मदद कर सकते हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

HP Regains Top Spot in Indian PC Market With 28.9 Percent Share: Report

HP regained top spot with 28.9 percent market share in the overall PC market in India that saw 8.4 percent decline in the first quarter of 2018. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Jessica Jones' Krysten Ritter to Turn Director in Season 3

Jessica Jones star Krysten Ritter will direct an episode for the show's upcoming third season, which was announced back in April. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Fancy a Margherita? Robot Serves Up Pizzas in France

French start-up Ekim wants to change and speed up the way pizza is made and served using a pizzaiolo robot. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Galaxy On6 Said to Be a Flipkart Exclusive, Priced at Rs. 15,000

Samsung Galaxy On6 is set to be unveiled in the first week of July, industry sources told IANS. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5, Redmi Note 5 Pro Cross 5-Million Sales Mark in India

Both Redmi Note 5 Series models were launched in February. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Dell Inspiron AIO Desktops With Pop-Up Webcam Launched in India

Key highlights of Dell's new Inspiron AIO desktops include a full-HD anti-glare IPS display, inbuilt stereo speakers, and a pop-up front-facing webcam. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Amazon Fire TV Stick, Kindle, Echo Now Available With 2-Hour Deliveries

Amazon has also announced a 15 percent discount for Prime members purchasing the devices through the Prime Now app. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Independent Record Labels Get Boost From Streaming Music Services

For decades, independent record labels have dreamed that if only they had the massive budgets to get their artists in front of music fans, the fans would love the music. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Galaxy A6 India Price Reportedly Cut

The Samsung Galaxy A6 runs on Android Oreo out of the box, sports a Super AMOLED display panel, sports a metal unibody design and is available in three colour options. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

NASA's Cassini Probe Finds Complex Organic Molecules From Saturn's Moon

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected much larger and heavier complex organic molecules originating from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Snapchat to Bring Third-Party Games In-App This Fall: Report

This comes after Snapchat launched SnapKit, letting people use Snapchat credentials to sign into apps, while strictly limiting access to personal data or activity tracking. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

French Design Studio Takes Aim at Hit Game Fortnite on Mobile Phones

Oh BiBi, a small French studio run by former game designers from Gameloft, on Thursday is introducing FRAG, a first-person shooter for mobile. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Instagram IGTV: All Your Questions Answered

Instagram has introduced long-form videos in the form of IGTV (Instagram TV). We answer all your questions about the brand new video platform. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

जब फ्लिपकार्ट ने हेडफोन की जगह भेजी तेल की शीशी

ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग वेबसाइट फ्लिपकार्ट पर ऑर्डर किए गए सामान की डिलीवरी में गड़बड़ी की कई शिकायतें पहले भी मिल चुकी हैं। एक बार फिर कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ है। मामला कोलकाता का है जहां एक ग्राहक ने फ्लिपकार्ट से ईयरफोन ऑर्डर किए थे लेकिन डिलीवरी के समय उसे मिली तेल की शीशी। मजेदार बात ये रही कि जब यूजर ने इस गड़बड़ी की शिकायत फ्लिपकार्ट से मिले पैकेट पर छपे नंबर पर कॉल किया तो उसे 'वेलकम टू बीजेपी' का मेसेज मिला। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Amazon Wants to Foster Small Independent Delivery Fleets

Amazon unveiled one of the dark grey Prime-logoed vans that it wants to lease to delivery businesses on what it says are attractive terms. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Moto G6 Play Review

Moto G6 Play has a striking design, a near-stock build of Android, and a sizeable 4,000mAh battery. Read our review to find out if it's worth buying. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

₹10,000 से कम कीमत के टॉप 4G स्मार्टफोन्स

एक समय था, जब 4G स्मार्टफोन्स मार्केट में बहुत कम उपलब्ध थे। मगर अब भारतीय स्मार्टफोन मार्केट में अलग-अलग वेरियंट में 4G स्मार्टफोन्स उपलब्ध हैं। हालांकि, इसकी वजह से कई बार यूजर्स कन्फ्यूज भी हो जाते हैं कि कौन सा स्मार्टफोन उनके लिए बेस्ट होगा। हम यूजर्स की आसानी के लिए यहां बता रहे हैं 10000 रुपये की रेंज में आने बेस्ट 4G स्मार्टफोन्स के बारे में। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

जियो का नया धमाकेदार 'प्लान'! जानें बड़ी बातें

रिलायंस जियो ने सितंबर 2016 में टेलिकॉम इंडस्ट्री में एंट्री कर मोबाइल सर्विसेज़ में प्राइस वॉर शुरु किया था। अब मुकेश अंबानी के नेतृत्व वाली यह कंपनी ब्रॉडबैंड मार्केट में आने को तैयार है। भारती एयरटेल भी एक बार फिर रिलायंस जियो की फाइबर-टू-द-होम (एफटीटीएच) सर्विसेज़ को टक्कर देने की तैयारी कर रही है। लेकिन आने वाले महीनों में ब्रॉडबैंड सर्विसेज़ का इस्तेमाल करने वाले यूजर्स के लिए बड़े ऑफर्स की बौछार हो सकती है। जानें रिलायंस जियो के एफटीटीएच सर्विस से जुड़ी नौ बड़ी बातें और क्या है एयरटेल की तैयारी ब्रॉडबैंड वॉर को लेकर। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Samsung Messages Sharing Gallery Content Without Permission, Users Report

The bug apparently comes through the latest Samsung Messages update and is largely affecting Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 8 users. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Acer Nitro 5 Gaming Laptop With 15.6 Full-HD Display Launched in India

The Ryzen 5 model of the Acer Nitro 5 comes at a starting price tag of Rs. 65,999 while the Intel-based model has been priced starting at Rs. 72,999. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Alcatel 1 With 5-Inch FullView 18:9 Display, Android Go Launched

The Alcatel 1 will be available in Black, Blue, and Gold colour options with a brushed metallic finish. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Facebook Adds Reactions, Group Chats to Its Stories Feature

Aiming to get more people to interact with its Stories feature in its main app, Facebook has added group chat and reactions among others to the service. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Waymo Needs 'Large Number' of Cars for European Robo-Taxis: CEO

Alphabet's self-driving unit Waymo will need "a large number" of cars to expand its robo-taxi service to Europe, CEO John Krafcik said. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Microsoft Isn't Quite Ready to Offer App Tabs on Windows 10

It is reported that the next major Windows 10 update will not include the Sets feature. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Telegram Update Brings Replace Media Feature, Captions, and More

The iOS update bumps the version up to 4.8.3, and the Android update bumps the version up to 4.8.10. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

European Chip Industry Seeks More EU Help to Extend Revival

European semiconductor companies are niche players relative to global leaders Samsung and Intel. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Launches a Mouse Pad for Gamers and One With Wireless Charging

The Xiaomi Mi Smart Mouse Pad comes with a Qi Wireless Charging module. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Facebook Now Lets Users Hide Specific Keyword Content in Their News Feed

Facebook's Keyword Snooze feature in News Feed will allow users to hide certain keywords that they don't want to see for 30 days. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Mi 6X Hatsune Miku Limited Edition Smartphone Launched

Xiaomi Mi 6X Hatsune Miku borrows specifications from the regular Mi 6X but comes with a custom design and a gift box. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Why Google's New Duplex AI Assistant Tells You It's a Robot

Duplex has new prompts to be more transparent about who's on the line. If asked, "Are you a robot?" the system responds, "I'm an automated system built by Google." from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

SD Express Cards Debut With 985MBps Transfer Speeds, Up to 128TB Capacity

The maximum storage capacity goes up to 128TB with the introduction of SD Ultra Capacity (SDUC), compared to the earlier 2TB maximum capacity. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

जानें, आपके एटीएम कार्ड से कैसे होता है खेल

जानें किस तरह आपके एटीएम कार्ड को क्लोन किया जाता है और उससे आप कैसे बच सकते हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Google Home and Chromecast Global Outage Confirmed, Fix Rolling Out

"Sorry, something went wrong. Try again in a few seconds." That's the response that Google smart speaker users around the world heard Wednesday. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Elgato Is Now Eve, Gaming Division Sold to Corsair

Elgato is now Eve and its gaming division has been sold to Corsair for an undisclosed sum. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

FIFA 19 Up for Pre-Order in India: Release Date and Price Revealed

FIFA 19 for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS3, and Xbox 360 has been listed for pre-order on EA's exclusive online partner, Amazon India. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Sony Considering Options to Make Fortnite PS4 Crossplay Happen

Sony is considering its options to make Fortnite PS4 crossplay a reality. What this means is, players could soon be able to play Fortnite on PS4, Xbox One, PC, iOS and even Android (when its out)... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Mozilla Firefox 61 Rolls Out With Faster Tab Switching, More New Features

The new feature in Firefox 61 includes Tab Warming, Retained Display Lists, Accessibility Tools Inspector, and more features. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Vivo Nex S, Nex A to Debut in India on July 19

Vivo has sent a 'Block Your Date' invite to hint at the new launch. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Nokia A1 Plus With In-Display Fingerprint Scanner Tipped for IFA Launch

The leaked smartphone is dubbed to be called the Nokia A1 Plus, and it is expected to be powered by the Snapdragon 845 SoC, and sport an in-display fingerprint scanner as well. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

LG V40 Rumoured to Come With 5 Cameras

LG V40 is reportedly all set to arrive later this year. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Airtel Offers Faster 4G Download Speeds Than Jio in Delhi-NCR: TRAI

According to the TRAI report, Airtel offers 4G Internet download speeds of 8.9Mbps, and Reliance Jio is a little behind with 7.3Mbps speeds. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Indian Language Internet Users to Reach 536 Million by 2021: Google

According to Google officials, the number of non-English language Internet users (currently are 234 million) has already overtaken the English users (175 million). from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Microsoft Improves Its Face Recognition Tools Work Across Skin Tones

Currently, facial recognition tools tend to perform best on men with lighter skin and worst on women with darker skin. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung ISOCELL Plus Camera Sensor Tech to Improve Low-Light Performance

Samsung's ISOCELL Plus technology allows CMOS image sensors to capture more light, significantly increasing light sensitivity and colour fidelity. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Why UberPool Is the Best and Worst Way to Commute in Indian Cities

UberPool saves you money, helps the environment, and cuts down on traffic, but I don't think Indian riders have embraced the ride-sharing phenomenon well. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Announces Indie Games Accelerator for Android Developers

Google has announced the Indie Games Accelerator program for Android developers in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Amazon Prime Video Is Aiming to Premiere 10 Indian Originals in 2019

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos drove a change in programming mandate last year, giving us a Lord of the Rings prequel series. But that hasn't affected Prime Video plans in India, which includes shows of... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Idea Rs. 227 Plan Offers 39.4GB Data, Free Dialer Tone to Take on Jio

Idea Rs. 227 prepaid plan's nearest competitor is Airtel's Rs. 129 recharge pack and Jio's Rs. 198 plan. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6 Square-Format Instant Camera Launched in India

The Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6 comes in three colour options - Blush Gold, Graphite Grey, and Pearl White. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Pokemon Quest Now Available for Free on Android and iOS

The Pokemon Quest game is based on an island called Tumblecube which Nintendo claims is "filled with hidden treasure and items". from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Spice F311 Android Go Smartphone With 18:9 Display Launched in India

The Spice F311 price in India has been set at Rs. 5,599. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Fortnite-PUBG Lawsuit: PUBG Corp Drops Case Against Epic Games

PUBG Corp has dropped its lawsuit against Fortnite creator Epic Games. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

60 हजार है बजट? इन LED टीवी पर डालिए नजर

अपने पुराने टीवी को बदलने का अगर मन बना चुके हैं तो हम लेकर आए हैं आपके लिए कुछ ऑप्शंस। अगर आपको 40 इंच तक का टीवी चाहिए और आपका बजट 60 हजार तक है तो आप इनपर नजर डाल सकते हैं- from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Vivo Unveils Its TOF 3D Sensing Tech to Rival Apple's Face ID

The new technology by Vivo is touted to capture as many as 300,000 sensor points. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Cyberpunk 2077 Could Get Multiplayer After Launch

Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer is real if these job listings at CD Projekt Red are any indication. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Asus ZenFone 5Z भारत में 4 जुलाई को होगा लॉन्च

Asus की ज़ेनफोन 5 फ्लैगशिप सीरीज़ का नया फ्लैगशिप फोन Asus ZenFone 5Z भारत में अगले हफ्ते लॉन्च होगा। फ्लिपकार्ट पर मंगलवार को यह घोषणा की गई। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

बजट में चाहिए अच्छा लैपटॉप, इन 10 पर डालें नजर

देश की यंग ब्रिगेड बहुत तेजी से पर्सनल कंप्यूटर से लैपटॉप की तरफ शिफ्ट हो रही है। ऐसे में अगर आप भी लैपटॉप खरीदने का मन बना रहे हैं लेकिन एसर, एचपी, डेल और लेनोवा जैसे ब्रैंड में कन्फ्यूज हो जाते हैं तो आज हम आपकी यह चिंता दूर किए देते हैं। अगर आपको लैपटॉप पर सीमित ब्राउजिंग करनी है तो ये 10 लैपटॉप आपके बजट में हैं- from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Lenovo Launches New Ultra-Slim Ideapad Laptops, IdeaCentre AIO in India

With the new Ideapad laptops, Lenovo aims to "meet the expectations of today's smartphone power-users." from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Gionee S11 Lite Review

Gionee S11 Lite is the first smartphone in the company's S-series with an 18:9 aspect ratio display, and is priced at Rs 13,999. Read our review to find out if it's worth a buy. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Jio Adds 96 Lakh Subscribers, Vodafone Loses Over 5 Lakh in April: TRAI

Even though the total number of subscribers decreased, Reliance Jio maintained its momentum by adding a whopping 96 Lakh subscribers during the month of April. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Amazon Adds Voice Control to Alexa App for iOS

Amazon has announced that voice control feature is coming to the Alexa iOS app for iPhone and iPad users. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

OnePlus 6 नए रंग में हुआ लॉन्च, इसमें है 8 जीबी रैम व 256 जीबी स्टोरेज

वनप्लस ने भारत में अपना नया फ्लैगशिप स्मार्टफोन वनप्लस 6 इसी साल मई में लॉन्च किया। कंपनी ने 8 जीबी रैम व 256 जीबी इनबिल्ट स्टोरेज वाले वनप्लस 6 मार्वेल ऐवेंजर्स लिमिटेड एडिशन भी पेश किया था। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Xiaomi Teases 'Gift From Future' for June 28 Global Launch

Xiaomi Mi A2 is expected to be the global, rebranded version of the Xiaomi Mi 6X launched in China back in April this year. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Fortnite Playground LTM Out Now, iOS Version Gets Low Power Mode

Fortnite Playground LTM patch notes, download size, and more. Here's what you need to know for Fortnite on iOS, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Zomato Launches Operations in 25 New Cities in India

Zomato has launched its restaurant reviews and ratings platform across 25 new cities in India, taking the number to 63 cities. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Home, Google Home Mini Price Cut in 'Special' Offer on Flipkart

The Google Home has received a price cut of Rs. 1,500, and the Google Home Mini received a price cut of Rs. 800 on the ecommerce site Flipkart. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Maps Now Offers Recommendations With New Explore, For You Tabs

Google Maps is now getting a redesigned Explore tab that has started rolling out to users on Android and iOS globally from Tuesday. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

India Fourth in List Target Countries for Web Application Attacks: Akamai

Registering over 28 million attacks, India also ranked eighth globally in the list of Web Application Attack source countries. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Facebook Abandons Its Aquila Internet-Beaming Drone Project

"We've decided not to design or build our own aircraft any longer, and to close our facility in Bridgwater in the UK," Yael Maguire, a Director of Engineering at Facebook, wrote. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

नोकिया के 5 बजट फोन्स, कीमत 5000 से कम

भारत में नोकिया जाना-पहचाना नाम है। इसके फोन्स पर यूजर्स भरोसा करते हैं। अगर आप भी उन्हीं लोगों में से एक हैं और नोकिया का बजट फोन लेने की सोच रहे हैं, तो आपकी तालाश आज खत्म हो जाएगी। यहां हम आपको नोकिया के उन 5 फोन्स की जानकारी देंगे जो सिर्फ 5000 रुपये में आ सकते हैं, देखिए- from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Twitter to Ask New Users for Email Addresses, Phone Numbers in Spam Fight

Adding a way to check that a real person is behind new accounts was described by Twitter as being among measures to fight abuse, trolls, and hateful content. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

पासपोर्ट बनवाना है? जानें सबसे आसान तरीका

from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Instagram Gets Video Chat Support, AR Camera Effects & More New Features

Instagram users can now video chat with a group of up to four people at a time. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Tesla Model S Battery in Fatal Florida Crash Reignited Twice: NTSB Report

The driver and front-seat passenger, both 18, were killed in the May 8 crash in Fort Lauderdale. A rear-seat passenger was ejected and injured. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Apple's Free Schoolwork App for iPad Now Available for Teachers

The Schoolwork app provides tools to teachers to make it easy to create assignments, view student progress and more. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Silicon Valley Said to Ask FBI for Help Preventing Election Interference

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, and others are said to have quietly convened a meeting last month with FBI and DHS representatives. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Nokia 8 Sirocco, Nokia 7 Plus, Nokia 6.1, Nokia 8 to Get Face Unlock Soon

The new feature will be available on Nokia phones via an over-the-air (OTA) update. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Mi Box Android 8.0 Oreo Update Starts Rolling Out: Reports

The Mi Box was launched with Android 6.0 Marshmallow out-of-the-box, but it never got updated to Android 7.0 Nougat. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Supercell's Brawl Stars Now Available for Android in Select Countries

The Brawl Stars Android beta app is available for users in Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau and Hong Kong. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

How Microsoft Research Lab in India Is Building Projects for the World

Microsoft Research Lab in India was established in 2005 and has built projects such as 99Dots and Digital Green for global audiences. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Audi Partners With Israel's Autonomous Vehicle Simulation Startup Cognata

Audi has partnered with autonomous vehicle simulation platform provider Cognata to speed up the development of autonomous vehicles. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Android Messages for Web Now Available to All Users, Says Google

Android Messages for Web is now fully deployed, but you need to have the latest Messages app. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

FireEye Denies Breaking Into Laptops of Chinese Military Hackers

The company said it does not fight hackers by hacking but by diligently and legally pursuing attribution with rigour and discipline. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Oculus TV App Now Available on Oculus Go Virtual Reality Headset

Oculus TV is the Facebook-owned company's dedicated hub for watching flatscreen video in VR on the standalone Oculus Go headset. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Is Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC Coming to Steam?

Would Red Dead Redemption 2's PC release skip Steam in favour of Rockstar Social Club or whatever it is Rockstar Games may be cooking for the game? We speculate on Transition, Gadgets 360's gaming... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung, Valve Launch 'Steam Link for Galaxy' App

The app is initially available for download in the US and South Korea. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Tipped to Launch Galaxy On Smartphone With Infinity Display Soon

Samsung India is said to be set to launch a new online exclusive smartphone under its Galaxy On brand with Infinity Display in the first week of July. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Do You Really Know What Your Kid's Doing on That Device?

Many tech experts agree that monitoring makes sense for younger kids. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Nexus 6 Users Affected by Faulty 'OK Google' Issue for the Past 2 Months

Apparently, the Nexus 6 opens the "Access your Assistant with Voice Match" setup page, every time it hears the launch phrase "OK Google". from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Nintendo Labo Now Works With the Nintendo Switch's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

If you own the Nintendo Labo Variety Kit and a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, you can play the game by building the Toy-Con Motorbike controller from the Variety Kit. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9+ Get FM Radio Support in the US

The new support comes through the NextRadio service. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Classroom Gets Classwork View, Locked Quizzes, More Features

Google Classroom comes with a redesigned 'Stream' with a more compact view for classwork. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Nintendo Plans to Release 2 to 3 Smartphone Games a Year

Nintendo believes its smartphone games can drive profits much like the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Microsoft to Release Its USB Type-C Dongle for Surface Devices on June 29

Microsoft is releasing a USB Type-C dongle that would slot in the Surface Connect charging port on existing devices, allowing users to connect or charge from a USB Type-C charger. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Microsoft, InMobi Partner to Offer Marketing Capabilities to Enterprises

InMobi, which has around 40,000 to 50,000 enterprise customers, enables companies to gather insight on its customer base thereby helping them gauge marketing possibilities. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Global Event Teased, Mi A2 Launch Largely Anticipated

Xiaomi launched the Xiaomi Mi 6X in China earlier in April, and this upcoming global event could be for the Xiaomi Mi A2 Android One smartphone. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Duo v36 Ends Jelly Bean Support, Multi-Device Support Tipped

A teardown of the Google Duo v36 update also shows that official tablet support has also been introduced. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Nvidia Next-Gen GPU Prototype Leaks, Features 12GB, 384-Bit GDDR6 Memory

Nvidia's next-generation GeForce GPUs are in the works and one of the prototypes has found its way to Reddit. It seems to sport a 384-bit memory bus, 12GB VRAM, and three 8-pin power connectors along... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Sony SRS-XB41 Bluetooth Speaker Review

The Sony SRS-XB41 is IP67 dust- and water-resistant Bluetooth speaker that's loaded with features. But is it worth a buy? Read our review to find out. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

BSNL का नया प्लान, 1 साल के लिए 2 जीबी डेटा हर रोज

देश की टेलिकॉम इंडस्ट्री में जियो के वर्चस्व को चुनौती देने के लिए अब BSNL ने नया लॉन्ग-टर्म पैक लॉन्च किया है। सरकारी टेलिकॉम कंपनी भारत संचार निगम लिमिटेड ने अपने प्रीपेड सब्सक्राइबर्स के लिए नया 1,999 रुपये वाला पैक पेश किया है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Don't Own the PUBG Event Pass? This Is What You Earn

PUBG Event Pass released alongside the Sanhok map seems to boost XP, rewards, levels, and more in this battle royale game. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Vodafone Launches Cheapest Red Postpaid Plan to Take on Jio

Vodafone's cheapest postpaid plan in its Red series comes with unlimited voice calls. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Wi-Fi Alliance Introduces WPA3 Personal, Enterprise Security Standards

This long-awaited update comes 14 years after WPA2 was first introduced in 2003. But the need for a more secure protocol became evident in late 2017 when KRACK (key reinstallation attack) nearly every... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Flame Red Edition Launched in China

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Flame Red edition comes in 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage configuration. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Spotted on US FCC a Month Early

To reaffirm this development, the Galaxy Note 8has now been spotted on FCC with FCC ID A3LSMN960F, almost a month before the Galaxy Note 8 was spotted last year. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Vivo Paytm Carnival: इन स्मार्टफोन्स पर 31 पर्सेंट तक की छूट

from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Fortnite Playground Limited Time Mode Out Today

It seems that Fortnite Battle Royale for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and iOS will be getting a limited time mode (LTM) called Playground today. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Fallout 76 Modded Into Fallout 4, Available for Download Now

If you can't wait for the Fallout 76 beta, you can get a taste of what the game has to offer with a Fallout 76 mod for Fallout 4. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Honor 7C Goes on Open Sale in India

Launched last month, Honor 7C was available for purchase through four flash sale rounds until now. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Instagram Starts Rolling Out Redesigned Explore Tab: Report

This redesigned Explore tab will make it easier for Instagram users to discover new content. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Camera Update Brings Google Lens to Pixel, Nexus Devices

Google Lens was unveiled at I/O last year as an image recognition tool that could provide contextual suggestions for objects that you scan with the camera. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Photos Now Allows You to Create 'Love Story' Movies

The new 'Love Story' theme is available on Google Photos across Android, iOS, and the Web. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Google Earth बताएगा, कितना बड़ा है ताजमहल?

ऐपल ने इसी साल WWDC इवेंट में अपना ऑग्युमेंटेड रियलिटी (एआर) टूल ‘Measure’ प्रदर्शित किया था। अब गूगल ने भी अपना 'Measure' टूल पेश किया है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

बच्चों के स्मार्टफोन्स पर नजर रखता है यह ऐप, पैरंट्स को तुरंत करता है अलर्ट

from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

20000mAH की रेंज वाले धमाकेदार पावर बैंक्स

स्मार्टफोन्स आजकल हर किसी की जिंदगी का जरूरी हिस्सा बन गए हैं और इसी तरह पावर बैंक भी। आप बाहर किसी भी काम से जाएं चाहे ऑफिस जाना हो या फिर ट्रैवल कर रहे हों, बैटरी बैक-अप लेकर साथ चलना बहुत जरूरी हो गया है। हम आपकी इसी जरूरत को देखते आपको बताने जा रहे 20,000 mAH वाले कुछ पावर बैंक्स के बारे में.... from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Amazon Alexa Creeps Out Owner, Says 'All I See Is People Dying': Report

A man from San Francisco reported said that Amazon's Alexa gave him a very freaky experience last week. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

YouTube Said to Enlist Kirsten Dunst, George Clooney for Comedy

YouTube is said to have commissioned a one-hour dark comedy called On Becoming A God In Central Florida, co-produced by George Clooney and Kirsten Dunst. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

BSNL Rs. 1,999 Pack Offers 2GB Data Per Day, Unlimited Calls for 365 Days

BSNL's Rs. 1,999 pack offers 2GB of data per day, unlimited voice calls, and 100 SMS messages per day, with a validity of 365 days. This puts effective total data at 730GB. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Truecaller for Android Gets New Block Section

The updated Truecaller for Android also has a bugfix that the disability of the mark SMS as read functionality at times. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 नए अवतार में लॉन्च, जानें कीमत

शाओमी ने अपने बजट स्मार्टफोन रेडमी नोट 5 का नया कलर वेरियंट चीन में लॉन्च कर दिया है। Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 का नया कलर वेरियंट चीन में खरीदने के लिए उपलब्ध है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Apple News Gets Special Section Dedicated to US 2018 Mid-Term Elections

Apple News will have a new 2018 Mid-Term Elections section to provide trustworthy information and helping news seekers access reporting and analysis from a diverse set of publishers. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Vivo Nex S Teardown Shows How the Pop-Up Selfie Camera Works

The Vivo Nex S is the premium model, and features a Snapdragon 845 SoC, 8GB RAM, up to 256GB inbuilt storage, and an in-display fingerprint sensor. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

हजार रुपये से भी कम में खरीदें ये जबरदस्त हेडफोन्स

from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

कार में कैसे करें Android Auto का इस्तेमाल

साल 2015 में गूगल ने अपने कार इन्फोटेनमेंट सिस्टम को लॉन्च किया जिसे ऐंड्रॉयड ऑटो के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इसके पहले आपको इसके इस्तेमाल के लिए ऐसे कार की जरूरत होती थी जिसमें ऐंड्रॉइड ऑटो इनेबल इन्फोसिस्टम हो। लेकिन गूगल ने आपकी मुश्किल हल कर दी है क्योंकि इसने ऐसा ऐप लॉन्च किया है जिसे आप अपनी कार में किसी भी ब्लूटूथ से चलने वाले म्यूजिक सिस्टम के जरिए इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। हम आपके लिए लेकर आए हैं इसका यूजर गाइड.... from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Zomato Starts Showing Short Bio, Tip Feature for Delivery Executives

The company has also announced that it delivers 10.5 million orders a month. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Idea Postpaid Users Get Cashback on Subscribing to Sony Liv App

The offer is available for new and existing Idea subscribers using the Nirvana rental plan of Rs. 499 and above. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Apple Is Said to Amplify Its Audio-Device Strategy in 2019

Apple is about to pump up the volume on its audio-device strategy, planning higher-end AirPods, a new HomePod, and studio-quality over-ear headphones. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Resident Evil 2 Remake Gets Its Required PC Specifications Listed

One look at the recommended specifications suggests that Resident Evil 2 will not rank among the demanding, premium games out there, making itself accessible to more PC gamers. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Mi 8 Series Sold 1 Million Units in Less Than a Month, Says Xiaomi

The company's global spokesperson Donovan Sung has also announced that its e-commerce platform is the third largest in India for smartphone shipments. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

WHO's Gaming Disorder Classification Called Premature by Experts

Experts contended that while the decision was well intentioned, there was a lack of good quality scientific evidence about how to properly diagnose video game addiction. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung's First Android Go Smartphone's Specifications Leak

The leaked specifications are apparently related to the SM-J260F model. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

First Satellite to Collect Space Junk Deployed From ISS

The Britain-built satellite, named RemoveDEBRIS mission, is one of the world's first attempts to tackle the build-up of dangerous space debris orbiting the Earth. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

OnePlus Switch v1.2 Brings the Ability to Transfer App Data and Downloads

Updated last week, the OnePlus Switch app now gets this much-needed functionality alongside other features and system optimisations with version 1.2. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

China's Didi Steps Up Challenge to Uber With Australia Push

Chinese ride-sharing giant Didi has intensified its drive for global business, launching in Melbourne Monday. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

The Crew 2: Everything You Need to Know

The Crew 2 PC system requirements, release date, download, size, editions, and everything else you need to know about this racing game for PS4, Xbox One, and Windows. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Samsung Galaxy S10 Tipped to Sport Triple Camera Setup

The Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphone is expected to sport a bezel-less display with no notch, have an in-display fingerprint sensor, and 3D Face Unlock as well. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Microsoft, Razer Working on Xbox One Keyboard and Mouse Support: Reports

The Xbox One will soon have keyboard and mouse support, according to multiple reports. Microsoft has been promising it for years, and it finally took the next step at a developer presentation earlier... from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Facebook Testing Feature That Shows How Much Time You Spend on It

The feature called 'Your Time on Facebook' is initially being tested on Facebook's Android app. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

OnePlus 6 Said to Be Facing Battery Drain Issues With OxygenOS 5.1.8

OnePlus 6 units are experiencing major battery drain issues on OxygenOS 5.1.8 with up to a 50 percent decrease in battery performance compared to the last update. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

PUBG Looks to Have Lost Nearly Half Its Steam Player Count Since January

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has lost nearly half its Steam player base since its January peak, according to data provided by video game tracking sites. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

How to Clear Cache in Google Chrome

It's easy to clear cache in Google Chrome, no matter which platform you're on. Here's how to clear cache in Chrome. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

रिलायंस जियोलिंक ने लॉन्च किए 3 नए प्लान्स

रिलायंस जियो ने अपने जियोलिंक सब्सक्राइबर्स के लिए 3 नए प्लान्स शुरू किया है। इन प्लान्स की शुरुआत 699 रुपये से होगी। बता दें कि जियो लिंक एक 4जी वाई-पाई हॉटस्पॉट सर्विस है जो अभी भी टेस्टिंग फेज में है और देश के कुछ ही हिस्सों में मौजूद है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

4 जीबी रैम वाले स्मार्टफोन्स और कीमत 10,000 से कम

स्मार्टफोन लेने से पहले जिन फीचर्स पर हम सबसे अधिक ध्यान देते हैं उनमें से सबसे जरूरी फोन की मेमरी होती है। मेमरी के साथ-साथ फोन की कीमत भी मायने रखती है। आगे की स्लाइड्स में हम आपको बता रहे हैं 4 जीबी वाले ऐसे स्मार्टफोन्स के बारे में जिनकी कीमत 10, 000 से कम है... from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Xiaomi Redmi 6 Pro vs रेडमी नोट 5 vs रेडमी नोट 5 प्रो में क्या है फर्क?

शाओमी रेडमी 6 प्रो को कंपनी के ही रेडमी नोट 5 और रेडमी नोट 5 प्रो से चुनौती मिलेगी। आइये जानते हैं किन शाओमी के इन तीनों डिवाइस में क्या फर्क है और आपके लिए कौन सा ऑप्शन है सबसे बेस्ट... from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Asus ZenFone 5Z India Launch Will Be Soon, Flipkart Teaser Tips

A new development has emerged that suggests the Taiwanese giant's flagship Asus ZenFone 5Z might arrive in India as soon as Tuesday, June 26. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Qualcomm Snapdragon 1000 Supposedly Being Built for Windows 10 ARM PCs

Multiple code submissions suggest of an upcoming 2-in-1 Chromebook running on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Spider-Man: Homecoming Sequel Title Revealed by Tom Holland

Spider-Man star Tom Holland revealed the title of the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel in an Instagram video over the weekend: it's called Spider-Man: Far From Home. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

भारत में ये हैं बेस्‍ट ड्यूल र‍ियर कैमरा फोन्‍स

from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

HP Refreshes Its Pavilion x360 14 Range of Laptops in India

HP India on Monday launched new models in Pavilion x360 14 notebook range, which features a pen stylus meant for students and creative professionals. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

टॉप स्मार्टफोन्स, जिनका कैमरा है सबसे बेस्ट

कैमरा और उसकी क्वॉलिटी किसी भी स्मार्टफोन के सबसे अहम फीचर्स में से एक होते हैं। आगे की स्लाइड्स में जानें कौन से हैं वे स्मार्टफोन्स जिनका कैमरा है बेस्ट... from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Westworld Season 2 Finale Answers, Then Confounds

Westworld's season 2 finale – "The Passenger" – revealed why the show was being told out of order, and delivered a confounding post-credits scene. Westworld season 2 finale explained. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

NASA Seeks Private Partnerships to Build First Element of Orbital Outpost

The Gateway will support exploration on and near the Moon, and beyond, including Mars, NASA said in a statement. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

आते ही छा गए  Xiaomi Mi 8, Mi 8 SE स्मार्टफोन्स

शाओमी दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी स्मार्टफोन कंपनियों में शामिल हो चुकी है और एशियाई बाजारों में कंपनी का वर्चस्व है। अब, ऐसा लगता है कि शाओमी अपनी सफलता को बरक़रार रखने की कोशिश में है और इसीलिए कंपनी लगातार नए स्मार्टफोन्स लॉन्च कर रही है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

10,000 रुपये से कम वाले बेस्ट ऐंड्रॉयड टैबलट्स

आईबॉल का यह टैबलट आपको सिर्फ 9,999 रुपये में मिल सकता है। इस टैबलट में 3 जीबी रैम और 16 जीबी का इंटरनल स्टॉरेज दिया गया है। यह टैबलट ऐंड्रॉयड मार्शमेलो पर चलता है। इसमें 4300mAh की बैटरी और 5 मेगापिक्सल का प्राइमरी कैमरा और 2 मेगापिक्सल का सेकंडरी कैमरा दिया गया है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

वॉट्सऐप पर किसने किया है ब्लॉक, ऐसे जानें

मेसेजिंग ऐप वॉट्सऐप में बहुत सारे फीचर्स में से एक फीचर यह भी है कि आप जिन लोगों से बात नहीं करना चाहते उन्हें आप आसानी से ब्लॉक कर सकते हैं। अगर आपको लगता है कि आपको किसी ने ब्लॉक किया है तो आप भी कुछ आसान से स्टेप्स फॉलो करके यह पता लगा सकते हैं। आगे कि स्लाइड्स में जानें कैसा पता लगाएं कि आपको किसी ने वॉट्सऐप पर ब्लॉक किया है या नहीं... from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Intel SSD 760p Review

Intel's new M.2 PCIe SSD has a relatively low price, but does that mean there are compromises in performance? Read our review to find out. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Honor 7X हो गया है सस्ता, जानें नया दाम

ऑनर 7एक्स को पिछले साल दिसंबर में लॉन्च किया गया था। अब इस स्मार्टफोन की कीमत में कंपनी ने 1,000 रुपये की कटौती कर दी है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Samsung Galaxy S10 to Do Away With the Ageing Iris Scanner Technology

Samsung could do away with iris scanning in the Galaxy S10, only two years after debuting it with the Galaxy Note 7, as per a report. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Nokia 7 Plus Users Get Android P Beta 2, ARCore Support Introduced

The Android P Beta 2 software build is available for manual download and install for all Nokia 7 Plus users, and the company has announced that OTA update will arrive soon as well. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Adobe Shows AI Can Be Used to Detect If Images Have Been Photoshopped

Adobe announced that it has created a new technology that uses AI and machine learning to help detect images edited using Adobe Photoshop. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Honor 7X Price Dropped in India; Gets New Features in Software Update

Honor 7X is available with a price tag of Rs. 11,999 for the 32GB storage configuration, while its 64GB storage variant comes at Rs. 14,999. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

ब्रॉडबैंड प्‍लान्‍स पर एयरटेल दे रहा 20 पर्सेंट तक की छूट

यह सुव‍िधा हर उस सर्किल में म‍िल रही है जहां एयरटेल अपनी ब्रॉडबैंड सर्विस ऑफर कर रही है। कहा जा रहा है कि अपने पुराने सब्‍सक्राइबर बेस को र‍िटेन करने और नए सब्‍सक्राइबर्स को आकर्षित करने के लिए कंपनी छूट दे रही है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

WhatsApp पेमेंट्स सर्विस में आएगा यूपीआई ऐप्स के लिए सपॉर्ट

वॉट्सऐप ने अपने यूजर्स के डेटा की सुरक्षा के चलते अपनी प्रिवेसी पॉलिसी में कुछ बदलाव किए हैं। बता दें कि वॉट्सऐप जल्द ही अपनी पेमेंट सर्विस लॉन्च करने वाला है और कंपनी अब भीम-यूपीआई के जरिए पेमेंट ट्रांज़ेक्शन पर विचार किया जा रहा है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Jio Postpaid vs Vodafone Red: Postpaid Plans Compared

Let's have a look at what Vodafone Red and Jio POstpaid have to offer in terms of postpaid plans. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

SpaceX to Launch 15th Resupply Mission to ISS on June 29

The SpaceX Dragon will deliver crew supplies, equipment, as well as research materials. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Panasonic Toughbook FZ-T1 को बारिश में भी कर पाएंगे इस्तेमाल

Panasonic ने अपनी टफबुक लाइनअप में एक नया स्मार्टफोन एफज़ेड-टी1 लॉन्च कर दिया है। टफबुक सीरीज़ को इसकी मजबूती के लिए जाना जाता है और यह प्रीमियम सेगमेंट में मिलता है। पै from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

WhatsApp Now Lets You Toggle Media Visibility for Individual Chats

The expansion of the Media visibility feature is available through the WhatsApp beta version 2.18.194. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

Uber Battles to Keep London Licence in Court Appeal

Uber goes to court on Monday to overturn a decision stripping it of its licence in London after being ruled unfit to run a taxi service in its most important European market. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

7 से 70 हजार तक, जून में खरीद सकते हैं ये तगड़े स्‍मार्टफोन्‍स!

from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

क्वॉलकॉम स्नैपड्रैगन 1000 की डीटेल्स लीक, जानें क्या है खास

क्वॉलकॉम हर साल एक फ्लैगशिप प्रोसेसर स्मार्टफोन्स और लैपटॉप के लिए लॉन्च करता है। इस साल स्नैपड्रैगन 845 लॉन्च हुआ था और अब ऐसी चर्चा चल रही है कि इस साल के अंत तक स्नैपड्रैगन 500 लॉन्च किया जा सकता है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

जल्द आपकी हैंडराइटिंग पहचान सकेगा ऐपल iPhone?

टेक्नॉलजी कंपनियां कई तरह की नई तकनीकों पर प्रयोग करती रहती हैं। इनमें कुछ तकनीकों का तो इस्तेमाल किया जाता है लेकिन कुछ तकनीकें कभी इस्तेमाल में नहीं आती हैं। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

अमेरिका में बना दुनिया का सबसे छोटा कंप्यूटर

अमेरिका की यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ मिशिगन के रिसर्चर्स ने दुनिया का सबसे छोटा कंप्यूटर बनाने का दावा किया है। यह डिवाइस केवल 0.3 मिलीमीटर चौड़ी है और यह चावल के दाने से भी छोटी है। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Facebook पर कितना वक्त गुजारा, जल्द जान सकेंगे आप

ऐसी खबर है कि सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट फेसबुक ने एक नया फीचर लॉन्च किया है जिसे 'योर टाइम ऑन फेसबुक' का नाम दिया गया है। इस फीचर के जरिए यह पता चल जाएगा कि यूजर्स ने कितना टाइम फेसबुक पर गुजारा। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

रामदेव बोले, '2 महीने बाद रीलॉन्च होगा किंभो ऐप'

योग गुरु बाबा रामदेव ने कहा है कि अभी उनकी कंपनी पतंजलि का मेसेजिंग ऐप 'किंभो' को लॉन्च होने में कम से कम 2 महीने का और समय लगेगा। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Alcatel 1 Android Go Smartphone Spotted With 1GB RAM, 18:9 Display

Alcatel 1 has been leaked with lower-end specifications than the Alcatel 1x, though Android Oreo (Go Edition) is still on board. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

आएंगे 3 नए iPhones, जानें, कीमत और फीचर्स

हर साल के तरह ऐपल इस साल के अंत तक भी अपने नए iPhone मॉडल्स को लॉन्च कर सकता है। हम आपको बता रहे हैं कि 2018 में लॉन्च होने वाले iPhones में ये फीचर्स और स्पेसिफिकेशंस हो सकते हैं। आगे की स्लाइड्स में जानें इन मॉडल्स की संभावित कीमत। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

Apple Finally Offering Free Fix, Refunds for 'Sticky' MacBook Keyboards

Apple is offering keyboard repairs for free to MacBook and MacBook Pro users who have been affected by 'sticky' keyboard issues. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest

YouTube का नया फीचर, लाइव की तरह चला सकेंगे रिकॉर्डेड विडियो

गुरुवार को अपने एक ब्लॉग पोस्ट में यूट्यूब के चीफ प्रॉडक्ट ऑफिसर नील मोहन ने बताया कि क्रिएटर्स के लिए प्रीमियर्स रोल आउट के लिए तैयार है और जल्द ही यह सभी के लिए उपलब्ध होगा। from टेक न्यूज़: Latest Tech News in Hindi, Tech Reviews in Hindi,Tech Samachar,Tech Tips & Tricks, PC and Gadgets News, Mobile News, Gadgets News in Hindi

How to Reset Your iPhone or iPad

It is easy to erase all content and settings on your iPhone or iPad and reset it to its factory state. Here's how you can reset your iPhone. from NDTV Gadgets - Latest